Tuesday, August 02, 2016

"Can You See My Vision" MTBoSBlaugust Day 2

As I mentioned yesterday, I am taking classes towards my STEM Master's. The goals of this program
  • increasing knowledge in STEM content and pedagogy related to teaching STEM
  • using real-world place-based problems to teach STEM content
This is the last week of my course, Curriculum Inquiry.  Last week, our assignment was to create a standards-based framework for an integrated curriculum.  I focused on science, math, and computer technology for part of my astronomy unit. I found the assignment to be beneficial, but it was definitely challenging, as it is difficult to pick out the skills you want students to know and be able to do in an area that is different than what I have been formally trained in.  This is definitely something to consider as I work to include more STEM integration in my classroom.

Our final assignment for the course is to create an action plan for increasing a STEM integration in our classrooms.  I found this assignment valuable and I do plan to use it as I go through my year.  I will probably review it a bit more before I turn it in, but this is what I have so far:  STEM Action Plan.  I have a lot of goals on the plan, but several of these are ones that I already have been doing so the intent is continue doing them and increase what I do with those goals.

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